
Three New RISD Global Summer Courses Explore the Arts in Greece, Japan and the Philippines
Call for Faculty Proposals – Global Summer Studies 2025 & Wintersession Travel Courses 2026
Global Summer Studies Scholarship Application Open Now
Announcing Global Summer Studies 2022 travel courses!
RISD Global Work Study Opportunity Summer 2021
RISD Global Summer Studies – Deadline Extended: May 2, 2021
COVID-19 update: RISD Global Exchange Fall semester 2021
APPLY for RISD Global Summer Studies 2021 now!
Seasons Greetings from RISD Global
Fengjiao Ge MLA 20 Selected for Design Indaba Antenna Program at Dutch Design Week 2020
We're Hiring! RISD Global Work Study Opportunities 20/21
Global Futures Lab Receives Acclaim in Core 77 Design Awards 2020
Global Summer Studies 2020: RISD COVID-19 Update
RISD COVID-19 Updates
Call for Global Summer Studies: Graduate Student Teaching/Resident Assistants!
Registration Now Open: Global Summer Studios 2020
Call for Faculty: RISD + Hyundai Collaborative Studio, Spring 2020
Application Now Open: Wintersession Travel Courses 2020
Call for Applications: Short-Term Teaching/Residence Opportunity at China Academy of Art
Call for Proposals: Global Summer Studios 2020
Call for Proposals: Craft Pedagogies and Practices in the 21st Century
Exhibition and symposium exploring role of craft in the built environment of Morocco
Initiative focused on softwoods and cork in the context of Portugal
Global Futures

Past Events

Drop-in Advising
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Letterpress Letterscape Rome
321 Prov Wash
Infosession | Material Revolution in Belgium: Biological, Geological, and Circular Assemblies
Bayard Ewing Building (BEB), Room 106
Infosession | Letterpress Letterscape Rome
321 Prov Wash
Infosession | Study Abroad at DIS
20 Prov Wash Room 321
Infosession | Fans and Fandom: England
321 Prov Wash
Infosession | Material Revolution in Belgium: Biological, Geological, and Circular Assemblies
Zoom Meeting
Spring 2025 General Pre-Departure Meeting
RISD Global, PW 321
Workshop | Semester Studies and Outgoing Exchange Learning Agreement
RISD Global, PW 321
Wintersession 2025 General Pre-Departure Meeting
ProvWash, Gathering Space
Drop-in Advising
RISD Global, PW 321
Drop-in Advising
RISD Global, PW 321
Drop-in Advising
RISD Global, PW 321
Drop-in Advising
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Study Abroad at DIS
RISD Global, PW 321
Drop-in Advising
RISD Global, PW 321
Drop-in Advising
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Study Abroad at Instituto Lorenzo de Medici
Drop-in Advising
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Japanese Design Culture | from 263 Years of Isolationism to International Influence
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | INDIA_SENSED – Craft and Collaboration in the Digital Age
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Biodesign NYC
ID Building, Room 600
Infosession | Southern Africa – Art & Science of Conservation
Infosession | New Old Japan – Contemporary "Giwafu" Design Guidebook
RISD Global, PW 321
Drop-in Advising
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | INDIA_SENSED – Craft and Collaboration in the Digital Age
Infosession | New Old Japan – Contemporary "Giwafu" Design Guidebook
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Biodesign NYC
ID Building, Room 600
Infosession | Japanese Design Culture | from 263 Years of Isolationism to International Influence
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Southern Africa – Art & Science of Conservation
Illustration Studies Building (ISB), Room 413
Drop-in Advising
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | INDIA_SENSED – Craft and Collaboration in the Digital Age
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Southern Africa – Art & Science of Conservation
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Japanese Design Culture | from 263 Years of Isolationism to International Influence
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | New Old Japan – Contemporary "Giwafu" Design Guidebook
RISD Global, PW 321
Global Summer Studies Pre-Departure Orientation - On Zoom!
Infosession (Virtual) – Maine | Agricultural Literacy + AgriEcology For the Future
Zoom Meeting
Infosession – Maine | Agricultural Literacy + AgriEcology For the Future
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession – Azores | Design with and for Nature
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession – Japan | Design, Degrowth, Demodern
RISD Global, PW 321
CANCELLED Infosession – Truth | Beauty | Goodness: Illustrating Mythologies in Contemporary Greece
Illustration Studies Building (ISB), Room 413
Infosession – Guyana | Exploring the Art and Science of Biodiversity
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession – Architecture Department: Azores | Design with and for Nature
Bayard Ewing Building (BEB), Room 106
Infosession – Truth | Beauty | Goodness: Illustrating Mythologies in Contemporary Greece
Illustration Studies Building (ISB), Room 413
Infosession – Tuldok, Linya, Anyo (Point, Line, Pattern) Drawing and Weaving in the Philippines
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Study Abroad at DIS
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Study Abroad at DIS
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession – Guyana | Exploring the Art and Science of Biodiversity
RISD Global, PW 321
CANCELLED Infosession – Japan | Manga Immersion at Kyoto Seika
Tap Room, Memorial Hall 401
Infosession – Azores | Design with and for Nature
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession – Italy | Perspectives on Piranesi
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession – Truth | Beauty | Goodness: Illustrating Mythologies in Contemporary Greece
Infosession – Denmark | Design Seminar and Workshop
ProvWash, Room 302
Infosession | Global Exchange, Fall 2024
RISD Global, PW 321
Wintersession and Spring 2024 General Pre-Departure Orientation
College Building, Old Library (CB 521)
Wintersession and Spring 2024 General Pre-Departure Orientation
College Building, Old Library (CB 521)
Infosession | Southern Africa – Art & Science of Conservation
Illustration Studies Building (ISB), Room 408
Infosession | American Southwest | Bears Ears: Indigenous Perspectives on Human and Non-Human Relatives
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Southern Africa – Art & Science of Conservation
Illustration Studies Building (ISB), Room 408
Infosession | Study Abroad at DIS
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | American Southwest | Bears Ears: Indigenous Perspectives on Human and Non-Human Relatives
ProvWash, Room 123
Infosession | Posturban Japan – Tradition to Contemporary Design
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Posturban Japan – Tradition to Contemporary Design
Infosession | INDIA_SENSED – Craft and Collaboration in the Digital Age
Apparel Building, Room 110
Infosession | Southern Africa – Art & Science of Conservation
Infosession | Posturban Japan – Tradition to Contemporary Design
Infosession | Southern Africa – Art & Science of Conservation
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Southern Africa – Art & Science of Conservation
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | INDIA_SENSED – Craft and Collaboration in the Digital Age
Apparel Building, Room 110
Infosession | Study Abroad at UAL
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Wintersession Travel Courses 2024
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Italy – Stones of Venice: A Critical Geology
Infosession | Portugal - Cork Biodesign: Creative Approaches to Desertification in Southern Portugal
Infosession | Italy – Perspectives on Piranesi
Tap Room, Memorial Hall 401
Infosession | Canada – Remapping Relations
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Portugal - Cork Biodesign: Creative Approaches to Desertification in Southern Portugal
Infosession | Canada – Remapping Relations
Infosession | Canada – Remapping Relations
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Italy – Stones of Venice: A Critical Geology
Infosession | Canada – Remapping Relations
CANCELED Infosession | Mexico - Knowledge from the Land: Collaborative Art + Research
Zoom Meeting
Infosession | Portugal - Cork Biodesign: Creative Approaches to Desertification in Southern Portugal
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Italy – Stones of Venice: A Critical Geology
RISD Global, PW 321
CANCELED Infosession | Japan - Design Culture: From 263 Years of Isolationism to International Influence
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Mexico - Knowledge from the Land: Collaborative Art + Research
Zoom Meeting
Infosession | Portugal - Cork Biodesign: Creative Approaches to Desertification in Southern Portugal
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Japan - Design Culture: From 263 Years of Isolationism to International Influence
CIT 103
RESCHEDULED Infosession | Mexico - Knowledge from the Land: Collaborative Art + Research
Zoom Meeting
General Infosession | Global Summer Studies 2023
Zoom Meeting
General Infosession | Global Summer Studies 2023
Zoom Meeting
Infosession | Study Abroad at DIS
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | See Naples and Die: Cooler and Warmer
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Biodesign NYC
ID Building, Room 502
Infosession | Biodesign NYC
ID Building, Room 600
Infosession | Biodesign NYC
ID Building, Room 600
Infosession | INDIA_SENSED : Craft and Collaboration in the Digital Age
20 Prov Wash Room 321
Infosession | INDIA_SENSED : Craft and Collaboration in the Digital Age
20 Prov Wash Room 321
Infosession | See Naples and Die: Cooler and Warmer
CB 442
Infosession | Hawai’i: Art & Science of Conservation
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Berlin and Utrecht: Paper; Print; Sumi Drawing
Benson Hall, 101 Litho
Infosession | Hawai’i: Art & Science of Conservation
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Berlin and Utrecht: Paper; Print; Sumi Drawing
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Study Abroad at DIS
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Upcoming Travel Programs and Semester Studies
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Azores: Design with and for Nature
Infosession | Italy: Perspectives on Piranesi
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Italy: Endemic & Endogenous Design Explorations
Infosession | France: Scripting Spaces in Paris
Infosession | France: Scripting Spaces in Paris
Infosession | Italy: Endemic & Endogenous Design Explorations
Infosession | Italy: Perspectives on Piranesi
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession | Azores: Design with and for Nature
Infosession | Italy: Perspectives on Piranesi
Global Summer Studies 2022 | General Infosession
Zoom Meeting
Infosession | Washi Papermaking: Take it to Iowa and Ohio
Benson Hall, Tech Lab
New Student Orientation Resource Fair
RISD Upper Quad
Virtual, Denmark: Global Summer Studies 2021 | Faculty Q+A
Virtual Event
Virtual, Azores: Global Summer Studies 2021 | Faculty Q+A
Virtual Event
Virtual, Thailand: Global Summer Studies 2021 | Faculty Q+A
Virtual Event
Virtual, Denmark: Global Summer Studies 2021 | Faculty Q+A
Virtual Event
Virtual, Italy: Global Summer Studies 2021 | Faculty Q+A
Virtual Event
Virtual Global Summer Studies 2021 | Faculty Q+A
Virtual Event
Virtual Global Summer Studies 2021 | General Infosession
Virtual Event
Faculty Workshop | Teaching and Learning Within a Global Context
Zoom Meeting
International Education Week (IEW) – Postcards Home
15 West & The Met Lobbies
RISD Celebrates International Education Week (IEW)
RISD Global, PW 321
RISD Celebrates International Education Week (IEW)
RISD Global, PW 321
RISD Celebrates International Education Week (IEW)
RISD Global, PW 321
RISD Celebrates International Education Week (IEW)
RISD Global, PW 321
RISD Celebrates International Education Week (IEW)
RISD Global, PW 321
Design Indaba Antenna Program at Dutch Design Week 2020: Fengjiao Ge MLA 20
Eindhoven, Netherlands
Online Conference: Art History, Postcolonialism, and the Global Turn (SESSION III)
Lessons From Abroad Virtual Conference (Day 4)
Lessons From Abroad Virtual Conference (Day 3)
Virtual Infosession: Off-Campus Global Programs 101
Lessons From Abroad Virtual Conference (Day 2)
Online Conference: Art History, Postcolonialism, and the Global Turn (Film conversation)
Lessons From Abroad Virtual Conference (Day 1)
Online Conference: Art History, Postcolonialism, and the Global Turn (SESSION II)
Online Conference: Art History, Postcolonialism, and the Global Turn (SESSION I)
New Student Webinar: Art & Design in the Age of Globalization
Zoom Webinar
Graduate Studies Virtual Conversation: Art & Design in the Age of Globalization
Global Exchange Infosession
Global Exchange Infosession
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession: Off-Campus Global Programs 101
Waterman Building, Room 43
Infosession: RISD in Rome: Form, Leather, Color and Craft - Global Summer Studios
ID Building, Room 600
Infosession: Thailand: The Mindful Approach to Craft - Global Summer Studios
Apparel Building, Room 210B
Student Exhibition: WS 20 Mexico: Color, Mestizaje and Design Futures
RISD Color Lab
Student Exhibition: WS 20 Mexico Pre-Columbian to Contemporary
Infosession: Design with Nature in the Azores - Global Summer Studios
Bayard Ewing Building (BEB), Room 124
Infosession: RISD in Rome: Perspectives on Piranesi - Global Summer Studios
College Building, Old Library (CB 521)
Infosession: RISD in Rome: Form, Leather, Color and Craft - Global Summer Studios
ID Building, Room 600
Infosession: Paris: Urban Design Renaissance Through Edible Landscapes - Global Summer Studios
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession: Design with Nature in the Azores - Global Summer Studios
College Building, Old Library (CB 521)
Infosession: Thailand: The Mindful Approach to Craft - Global Summer Studios
Apparel Building, Room 210B
Global Summer Studios 2020: General Infosession
RISD Global, PW 321
International Education Week - Postcard + I-20 Signature (ft. pumpkin pie)
The Met
International Education Week - International Trivia Night
International Education Week - East Asian Names: History, Culture and Pronunciation Workshop
Center for Arts & Language
International Education Week - Lunch with ISE
Ewing House, Intercultural Student Engagement Office
International Education Week - "International Experience with RISD" Student Panel
Ewing House, Intercultural Student Engagement Office
$5,000 RISD Maharam Fellowship: Infosession
Wintersession Travel Courses: Mandatory Pre-Departure Meeting (Australia, France, Japan)
ProvWash, Auditorium (Room 143)
Wintersession Travel Courses: Mandatory Pre-Departure Meeting (Mexico, all courses)
ProvWash, Gathering Space
Exchange Infosession: Topic - Selecting a Global Exchange Partner School
RISD Global, PW 321
Exchange Infosession: Topic - Application Prep for Global Exchange Semester
RISD Global, PW 321
Exchange Infosession: Topic - Selecting a Global Exchange Partner School
RISD Global, PW 321
Exchange Infosession: Topic - Application Prep for Global Exchange Semester
RISD Global, PW 321
RISD Weekend Session: RISD Global | Art & Design Programs In An Age Of Globalization
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession WS20: AUSTRALIA - Witness Tree Project: Memory, Place and Cultural Ecology
ProvWash, Room 237A
Infosession WS20: MEXICO: Pre-Columbian to Contemporary: Architecture & Crafts
College Building, Room 442
Infosession WS20: MEXICO - Color, Mestizaje & Design Futures
ProvWash, Room 302
Infosession WS20: FRANCE - Photography in Paris
RISD Global, PW 321
Global Academic Engagement at RISD: Faculty Opportunities
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession WS20: AUSTRALIA - Witness Tree Project: Memory, Place and Cultural Ecology
ProvWash, Room 237A
FABRIC Arts Festival: FABRIC goes to RISD
ProvWash, Gathering Space
Infosession WS20: MEXICO: Pre-Columbian to Contemporary: Architecture & Crafts
ProvWash, Room 302
Infosession: Deciding on Global Semester Programs
RISD Global, PW 321
Infosession WS20: JAPAN - Papers, Temples & Print
Infosession WS20: FRANCE - Photography in Paris
Design Center, Room 308
Infosession WS20: MEXICO - Material Propositions: Oaxaca
Bayard Ewing Building (BEB), Room 317
Infosession WS20: FRANCE - Photography in Paris
Design Center, Room 308
Infosession WS20: MEXICO - Color, Mestizaje & Design Futures
Infosession WS20: MEXICO - Material Propositions: Oaxaca
Bayard Ewing Building (BEB), Room 317
Wintersession Travel Courses: General Infosession
RISD Museum, Chace Center, Metcalf Auditorium
Infosession WS20: MEXICO - Material Propositions: Oaxaca
Bayard Ewing Building (BEB), Room 317
Visiting artist | Xu Bing
RISD Museum, Chace Center, Metcalf Auditorium
Screening and Q&A | Dragonfly Eyes by Xu Bing
RISD Auditorium
Panel discussion | Where is Africa?
RISD Museum, Chace Center, Metcalf Auditorium
Shared Languages: Crafting Cross Cultural Exchange - Day Two
RISD Museum
Shared Languages: Crafting Cross Cultural Exchange - Day One
RISD Museum, Chace Center, Metcalf Auditorium
Shared Languages: Works in progress from the studios Centre de Formation et Qualification des Métiers de l’Artisanat Al Batha, Fés (CFQMA) and RISD, Providence
Fleet Library
How do we pronounce design in Portuguese? 2000–18
Sol Koffler Graduate Student Gallery
Global Futures
MAXXI, Carlo Scarpa Room
Souvenirs from the Futures
1/9unosunove Gallery