Past Program

Tanzania: Between Content and Container Vol. 3

At a moment when our cultural discourse is expounded through polarized media and heightened tribalism, we will be sampling from a series of architectural projects that were generated during the rise of multiculturalism. This studio examines the notion of architecture as the difference between content and container.


  • Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  • Zanzibar, Tanzania
Spring 2018

Course Dates: Feb 15, 2018 — May 25, 2018
Travel Dates: Mar 24, 2018 — Apr 2, 2018

Open to RISD students, Brown University students
Academic Credits
  • Architecture
Course Numbers
  • ARCH-21ST-03

Includes airfare, accommodation, field trips, local transportation, group dinners + some meals, museum entrances, health and travel insurance.

Tanzania: Between Content and Container
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2018
Tanzania: Between Content and Container
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2018

Full Course Description

At a moment when our cultural discourse is expounded through polarized media and heightened tribalism, we will be sampling from a series of architectural projects that were generated during the rise of ‘multiculturalism’. This studio examines the notion of architecture as the difference between ‘content’ and ‘container’. ‘Content’ is defined by a selection of architectural concepts that will be carefully sampled, edited and combined, while ‘container’ will be defined by the analysis of a specific site of contestation in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. To that end, studio participants will begin by developing precise definitions for “failure” as it pertains to the discipline of architecture (content) and the Kariakoo market (container). The aim is to develop a critical framework for the on-going verification of concepts. Once the collective catalog has been established, studio participants will test several combinations of difference between concept and context.

“Western civilization habitually identifies itself with civilization as such on the pontifical assumption that what is not like it is a deviation, less advanced, primitive, or, at best, exotically interesting at a safe distance.” - Aldo Van Eyck

Program Details

Full requirements for eligibility for travel component

Must be a registrant in this Advanced Studio.

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1:1 Advising Session

Have questions? The RISD Global team is available to meet for a 1:1 advising session. We can give you more information about your study options, help you figure out which program makes sense for you, and assist you with the application process.

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