Past Program

European Honors Program - Spring 2020

RISD in Rome: European Honors Program (EHP) is a unique off-campus residency program that welcomes students to spend a full semester immersed in a global and interdisciplinary environment, which is designed to feed independent and experimental studio projects.

In Spring 2020, students representing 9 RISD academic departments, as well as Brown University Visual Arts, participated in the European Honors Program in Rome.


European Honors Program
  • Rome, Italy
Spring 2020

Course Dates: Jan 7, 2020 — May 23, 2020

Open to RISD students, Brown University students
Academic Credits
  • RISD Global
Course Numbers
  • EHP-9500 Studio Elective
  • EHP-9600 Studio Concentration
  • THAD-9200
  • LAEL-9200

Housing at the Cenci + Week-long Travel Tour: $6,860 + International Travel & Health Insurance: $310

European Honors Program
Rome, Italy 2020
European Honors Program
Rome, Italy 2020
European Honor Program
Rome, Italy 2020

About EHP

In RISD’s oldest off-campus semester program a select group of RISD juniors, seniors, and second year grads from all departments, as well as Visual Art + Architecture concentrators from Brown, live and work in a 16th century palazzo steps away from Rome’s most famous and important historical and artistic sites. Led by a Chief Critic drawn from a rotating cast of RISD faculty, the program is multidisciplinary in nature and designed to appeal to a wide range of concentrations. Each semester, approximately 20 students witness thousands of years of Western art and architecture first hand, drawing from their experiences to develop and produce a final studio project. EHP is an opportunity to inhabit the life of an artist working independently in Rome — but with all of the support and resources that RISD has to offer.

During the first week of the spring semester, students move into the Palazzetto and undergo orientation and introductory training. The academic components of the program begin the following week, which consist of the core Studio Elective (6 credits), the Art history course (3 credits, 2hrs, 4hr/week including 2hr city tour), and Italian (3 credits, 4hr/week).

The week-long trip, which moves beyond Rome to explore contemporary Italian art and culture in a number of other cities, occurs sometime during the first half of the semester. Week 10 marks the halfway point of the semester; students meet for a mid-term review. The liberal arts courses and the first component of the Studio Elective finish by week 13. During the following week, students are encouraged to explore other cities in Italy and beyond in order to gain inspiration and material for their studio concentration. They return to campus by week 15 for their Studio Concentration (6 credits), continuing and completing the work they began the earlier Studio Elective. During the last week of the program, students undergo the final review of their independent projects, followed by an exhibition and opening of the projects at the Palazzetto Cenci.

Student + Faculty Stories

Due to the Covid-19 global pandemic, the Spring 20 EHP cohort spent two months studying in Rome and finished their semester from locations all over the globe. Their final exhibition took place online – visit the EHP Spring 20 Final Exhibition

Yvonne Liang 21 PR, "Italian Doorknobs"

Read more in RISD News: 2020 Grads Share Work Virtually

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