Wintersession Travel CourseWhere
Winter 2019
Course Dates: Jan 3, 2019 — Feb 2, 2019
Travel Dates: Jan 7, 2019 — Feb 2, 2019
This travel course to Mexico is designed to introduce students to the history and the arts of the country from pre-Columbian time to the contemporary arts context.
Course Dates: Jan 3, 2019 — Feb 2, 2019
Travel Dates: Jan 7, 2019 — Feb 2, 2019
Includes airfare, accommodation, field trips, local transportation, group dinners + some meals, museum entrances, health and travel insurance.
The travel will include over a week in Mexico City where we will explore both the Museum of Anthropology, known for its extensive collection of pre- and post Columbian art and its overview of contemporary indigenous regional crafts. We will have the opportunity to visit Bellas Artes, the city's largest art museum that includes colonial and post colonial works, and featuring sample murals from the most renown muralists. Several other visits will highlight architectural sites of interest such as the Chapingo Chapel (Rivera), Frida Kahlo's house, and the Aztec site of Teotihuacan. We will then spend three days in Puebla, famous for its architectural ceramics work; Oaxaca, famous for its surrounding textile villages, its Zapotec archaeological site of Monte Alban, and a bustling center of contemporary art. Tehuantepec is next, also known for its textile production and its important market places, and a gateway to the Pacific coast.
This is a co-requisite course. Students must register for HAVC-W135 and HPSS-W235. Students receive 6 liberal arts credits.
Wintersession 2019
Wintersession 2019
Wintersession 2019
Wintersession 2019
Wintersession 2019
Wintersession 2019
Have questions? The RISD Global team is available to meet for a 1:1 advising session. We can give you more information about your study options, help you figure out which program makes sense for you, and assist you with the application process.
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